Mifare cardKart Mayfar as Dastah Kart Hai Rfid Astke Darayek Kantan and Hafiz Astor Dour Ta Dour Kart in six days and in the opinion of Kart Hai Hoshmand a resource that benefited from Ast.Inside his portfolio, Kart Mayfair May Tuan, Ra Raqheerah as a Kurd. For example, the location of its ammunition in effect after the creation of a card.Kart Hai Mayfr as without contact and by its separation Nzdikk Dztagh Kart Juan Mayfar Raa Kart in Khwanand (I met contactless) Reality Kart hai without any contact with it Vizikke and by sending radio waves with Destgah Kartkhwan Mitwandaat dna ra.